Children As Scavengers: A Case Study Of Wah Cantt

Scavenging is the one of the most dangerous form of child labour. Child scavengers are searching for the reusable item from the waste. The main focus of this research is on the child scavengers of Wah Cantt. This study attempts to find the scavenger children life style, their leisure activities, their views about societal behaviour, the hurdles they have to face during their work, and also their self and identity construction. This study is based on qualitative methods and field work lasted over the span of six months. The sample size comprised of 40 individuals for the study and was chosen through convenience sampling because it is difficult for the researcher to cover the whole area so a sample which is representative of the whole population is taken. In-depth interviews, case studies, focus group discussion helped in obtaining reliable and valid data. Interviews are transcribed into English from Urdu language and then data is manually analysed through thematic analysis approach, in which different themes and sub-themes from the data were emerged. The findings of the study show that poverty is one of the key factors which force the parents to send their children to earn money at the very early age. All the negative behaviour of the society and their parents makes these children feel that they are inferior to all the other people in the society. The pressure of earning for their survival drives these children away from education. They face discrimination, harassment, harsh behaviour of society, psychological issues and health problems. Supervisor:- Dr. Usman Ahmad Co-Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jahangir Khan

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Author: Saba Firdous
Cosupervisor: Muhammad Jahangir Khan
Supervisor: Usman Ahmad

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