Charismatic Leadership in the view of Social Scientists
Max Weber’s theory of charismatic leadership have been widely studied and criticized by many authors for its strength and weaknesses in the area of leadership. The topic of charismatic leadership is too broad for the purpose of my study I am focusing on the view of social scientists regarding charismatic leadership theory and trying to know about their view on charismatic leadership theory as charisma is considered a psychological aspect which is limited to human cognition in view of social scientists. Qualitative analysis was used for the current study by using in-depth interviews. For this purpose a sample of 16 respondents were selected from Sociology, Psychology, Development Studies and Gender Studies departments of University of Punjab Quaid-i-Azam Campus Lahore. For the current research only social science students and teachers were included in the sample. The findings shows that all respondents agreed with the charismatic leadership theory but in their point of view it is difficult to define it as Weber says it is supernatural and super human ability of a leader which is bestowed on him by the followers. Research findings suggest that people are emotionally attached with the leader and they will do anything for the leader as they want change. Also leader changes the old traditions by bringing new in the society which proves as a revolutionary force for change. Findings also suggest that not all respondents agree that charismatic leadership is a psychological concept. The issue of routinization of charismatic leadership is difficult in view of respondents and charisma can either be transferred to followers or can be transformed into charisma of office. For majority of respondents democracy is the best alternative of charismatic leadership. Findings also suggest that every individual has his own abilities, positive aspects and negative aspects which make a leader different from the other leaders. All charismatic leaders have their unique abilities and goals because of which people follow them and if leaders fail to achieve goals people will disconnect from the leader. There are also leaders who pose them as charismatic but they take advantage of people and use them for their own benefit which is a negative aspect of charismatic leadership. Every research has some limitations the current research also has some limitations. The research includes only 16 respondents from four different departments because of which we cannot say that it is the opinion of entire social sciences. Secondly the questions regarding religious side of charismatic leadership were not asked in a broader sense as respondents were not comfortable in answering these questions and gave limited answers. Another limitation of study is the psychological aspect of leadership as it is limited with human psychology because of which it cannot be explained in detail. Another limitation of the study was gender balance between the respondents and only six female respondents were selected for interview because the month in which the interviews were conducted most of the students were not coming to the university because of the summer vacations. Lastly because of the shortage of time only respondents from University of Punjab Lahore were selected as it was easily accessible for researcher. The current research will help the social scientists to know about charismatic leadership from the point of view of social science respondents. This will also enable readers to know about the psychological aspect and routinization of charismatic leadership from the point of view of social science students and teachers. ii. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan
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