Analysis of Organic Agricultural Policies: Pakistan’s Comparison with Australia, Italy, Sri Lanka, and Uganda

In this study, comparative analysis of organic agriculture policies of five countries (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Australia, and Italy) has been done. Different policy documents, research reports, and organic institution’s websites were analyzed. Nine criteria and thirty-nine indicators were used in the latent content analysis to learn lessons from unique ideas (practices) present in the organic agriculture sector. That has provided data (score as well as theoretical) on organic agriculture policies, food security, fertilizer policy, political and organizational support, organic standards and certification status, economic viability, feedback mechanism, extension, and marketing services. The total score (39) has provided idea on support of organic agriculture: Italy being first in score (31), Australia on second (27), Pakistan and Sri Lanka on third (25), and Uganda on fourth (23). Five countries do not have an independent organic agriculture policy. Conversely four countries except Uganda have incorporated organic agriculture practices, extension services and political support in the agriculture policies at varying levels. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Uganda are lacking behind Australia and Italy with minor differences in score. In fact Australia, as well as Italy, has strong network of local organic organizations, certification bodies and knowledge dissemination institutions with the implementation of national organic standards to provide services in organic sector. Australia has exceptional feedback mechanism in evolving agriculture policy compared to others. Consequently five countries have some unique factors. That provides an opportunity to learn lessons and implement in the organic agriculture sector. Supervisor:- Dr. Junaid Alam Memon

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Author: Shahbaz Rasul
Supervisor: Junaid Alam Memon
Keywords : Organic agriculture, Public Policy

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