An Analysis of the Spatial Dimensions of Poverty in Punjab
Author: Azhar Ali

According to the World Bank (2000), ―poverty is pronounced deprivation in wellbeing.‖ This of course raises the questions of what is meant by well-being and what is the threshold against which to measure deprivation. One approach is to consider well-being as the command over commodities in general. Hence, better-off people have a greater command over resources. The main focus of this approach is on whether households or individuals have sufficient resources to fulfill their needs. Typically, poverty is then estimated by comparing individuals‘ income or consumption with some well-defined reference point below which they are considered poor. This is the most conventional view of poverty which sees poverty largely in monetary terms. A second approach to poverty is to ask whether people have the ability to obtain enough of a specific group of consumption goods such as food, shelter, health care or education. In this case, the analyst goes beyond the more traditional monetary measures of poverty. Nutritional poverty, for example, might be estimated by examining whether children are stunted and educational poverty might be measured by asking whether people are literate or illiterate and how much formal education they have received. Supervisor:- Dr. G. M. Arif

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Supervisor: Ghulam Muhammad Arif

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