Air Travelers’ Environmental Consciousness: A Preliminary Investigation at Benazir Bhutto International Airport, Islamabad
A lot of efforts have been made to communicate individuals to assess their awareness about environmental problem and readiness towards solution. Several economic reviews reveal the cost of damage related to climate change. These reviews are limited to only expected damages of climate change, for motivation of action it is important to assess perception of risk of climate change and willingness to pay to avoid these risks. One such industry, which is a contributor to global GHG emissions leading to climate change has escaped from being noticed, is the aviation industry. Different measure have been taken to avoid and compensate for these emissions but due to aviation emission growth it has been proposed by International Air Transport Association has proposed ―Consumer based offset programme‖ by which travellers can be charged extra price for travelling ,which can be used for carbon offsetting. The study aimed to find out the willingness to pay of airline passenger at Benazir Bhutto International Airport as a compensation for their flight emissions. The study employs Contingent Valuation (CV) method. Primary data through was collected from Benazir Bhutto International Airport. The objective was to find out the mean willingness to pay of air travellers. The objectives of the study are to analyze air traveler’s willingness to pay for climate change mitigation actions at Benazir Bhutto International Airport. Age of the respondent, Income, Education, Environmental education class of seat, ticket price and number of trips are important determinant of air travellers’ willingness to pay. The study concludes that air traveler are willing to pay to offset their carbon emissions ,so it can be recommended that climate mitigation action programme can by launched in Pakistan by taking in consideration class of seat, ticket price and distance of trip . Supervisor:- Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad
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