A Comparative Analysis Of Factors Affecting Child Mortality In Pakistan And Provinces: Binomial Logistic Regression Analysis

The aim of this thesis is to investigate determinants of child mortality in the Pakistan and Provinces, such as Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan. The Pakistan is amongst one of the five countries who has the highest child mortality rates in the world. Between and within country, literature on the subject has found extensive variation in causes of child death. The analysis is conducted using micro-data of Pakistan Demographic Health Survey (PDHS) of 2006-07 collected by National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS). In the descriptive analysis, it is found that neo-natal mortality rate is high for Pakistan as well as for four provinces. In econometric analysis, binary logit models are estimated using maximum likelihood method (MLM) to estimate factors of child mortality for Pakistan, Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Baluchistan separately. The study puts particular emphasis on the effect of wealth, mothers’ education, exposure to media and ethnicity. Effect of wealth, and exposure to media found significant determinants of child mortality in Pakistan and Punjab. While ethnicity found to be significant in Sindh and Baluchistan. Mothers’ education found significant only in Pakistan. Knowledge on condition of a subject at national and local level gives a prerequisite for shaping efficient policies addressing the problem. Supervisor:- Dr. Abdul Qayyum

Meta Data

Author: Sarah Rabbani
Supervisor: Abdul Qayyum
Keywords : Baluchistan, Binary Logit Model, Child Mortality, KPK, Maximum Likelihood Method, Pakistan, PDHS, Punjab, Sindh

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