Availability, Accessibility and Satisfaction with Public Toilets in Metropolitan City Islamabad
Author: Muhammad Mehran Latif

This paper examines the availability, accessibility and satisfaction of people with public toilets in metropolitan city Islamabad. This research presents the perception of people on various aspects (like availability, hygiene, location etc.) and what appeals more to the consumers. The study also estimates elasticities for different aspects across gender, educational level and income. Study is based on primary data and semi-structured questionnaire were administrated to 300 end users of public toilets, using two stage stratified random sampling technique from different strata’s i.e. Markets, Parks and Bus terminals. This study further analyse the consumer’s willingness to pay and its determinants. Contingent valuation Method (CVM) is used to get consumer’s willingness to pay for public toilets. Results indicate that markets showed relatively lower willingness to pay for improved services as compared to bus stations and tourists spots. Public toilets facilities are poor at the bus terminals as compared to the markets and Tourists spots. 197 respondents were dissatisfied with hygienic situation of public toilets and 127 respondents were dissatisfied with toiletries at public toilets. 217 respondents were in favour of publically provided toilets. 46.3 percent respondents were willing to pay 20 rupees for toilets with all basic facilities, 26.3 percent respondents were willing to pay10 rupees for cleaned toilets after short intervals and 27 percent respondents were willing to pay 10 rupees for aesthetically furnished public toilets. On average each respondent was willing to pay 14.47 rupees for toilets service improvement. Proper monitoring, adequate sanitation and hygienic facilities can improve health and reduce diseases. In addition, cities will become more ecologically sustainable and impartial for all type of people. Being the federal capital, there are many young people (students, on job and looking for jobs) who might be dependent on such public facilities, absence of facilities can make their health vulnerable. It could be a strong business case in Islamabad because tourists, shoppers, visitors will feel comfortable and can stay outside for longer time. Capital Development Authority (CDA) and Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) should look over the public toilets in Islamabad. MCI should allocate more funds for renovation of public toilets Supervisor:- Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad

Meta Data

Keywords : Contingent Valuation Method, Hygienic situation, Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad, Public Toilet facilities, Public Toilets, Willingness to Pay
Supervisor: Iftikhar Ahmad

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